12-14 NOVEMBER 2019
From 12 – 14 November 2019, Sydney will host the 24th edition of the Communicating the Arts conference (formerly known as Communicating the Museum). During 3 days, our conference will gather around 250 communication and leadership experts working in the arts in Australia and internationally. For the first time we invite colleagues from the performing arts to join colleagues from the visual arts and museums sectors to engage in stimulating conversations and rethink their institution’s model and communication approaches.
Hear from directors, communication and marketing specialists, and artists as we share best practices from all over the world.
Peruse the conference photo album
What is ‘cultural leadership’ in the 21st Century?
The act of leading in the cultural sector comes from all levels – artists, curators, senior managers, directors, small and large, the subsidised and independent sectors. It involves both exceptional management of cultural organisations and curating experiences and work which shows different ways of thinking, feeling and experiencing the world.
Over three days, explore best practices and hear from a range of international and national arts colleagues sharing ideas of how they engage with community, tell new stories and grapple with the big issues of the day, to more practical tips on ethical decision making and collaborating in cross cultural teams.
Communicating the Arts will explore cultural leadership along four key axes: Being Bold, Risk Taking, Connecting and Reinventing.
50+ leaders, communication experts, artists and activists shareD their expertise at Communicating the Arts Sydney
Communicating the Arts Sydney assembles 250+ arts professionals from institutions of all kinds – private and public, historic and contemporary, large and small, established and starting up – to challenge ideas and find solutions.
Our participants are high-calibre: Directors and CEOs, Heads of Departments (communication, marketing, digital public programmes, education, development), innovators and specialist enterprises. They come from Australia, Asia Pacific, Europe, the Americas and the Middle East.
Become a partner
Communicating the Arts is the leading international forum for communications professionals working in culture. Our network includes more than 16500 culture and art professionals from over 40 countries.
Partner with us to
Gain exclusive access to key decision makers in your market
Access a global network of museums, heritage, visual and performing arts organisations
Associate your brand with the leading international event for senior communicators working in culture