John Richardson

John Richardson

John Richardson has been an integral part of the Art Gallery of New South Wales executive team since 2014, significantly contributing to its growth and development. He played a pivotal role in the Sydney Modern Project Capital Campaign, raising over $150 million in private contributions to complement the NSW Government’s $244 million commitment, resulting in the stunning new extended campus, Naala Badu, named in 2024.

John brings a wealth of experience and insight, previously leading the commercial transformation of the South Sydney Rabbitohs as their Chief Commercial Officer, establishing the club as a benchmark for sports administration in Australia. He also has a rich background in the arts, having worked at Back Row Productions and the New 42nd Street Project in New York City.

John first spoke at Culture Business Sydney in 2020 on “How to Turn a Financial Proposal into a Meaningful Relationship,” sharing insights from the early stages of the Capital Campaign. He is excited to return to Culture Business to discuss key learnings, strategies for sustaining philanthropic relationships post expansion, and future plans. John will also share impactful case studies from the past few years, providing valuable insights into the Art Gallery’s ongoing success.