Jonathan Holloway

Jonathan Holloway

Between 1995 and 2020, Jonathan Holloway programmed and delivered fifteen international arts festivals across two continents. He artistically and executively led three flagship cultural institutions through massive and sustained growth and founded and led the public events department at London’s Royal National Theatre, where he co-wrote and directed a production of Robin Hood. In 2015, he led the team that raised over $5M to deliver Australia’s largest ever single arts event, when 1.4 million people walked with Giants through the streets of Perth, and in 2017, he brought Taylor Mac’s complete twenty-four-hour magnum opus “A 24-Decade History of Popular Music” to Melbourne.

He now works as an artistic advisor to cities, organisations, arts companies, and senior leaders worldwide, helping them to refresh their vision, mission, strategy, fundraising and artistic programmes, with a particular focus on internationalisation and intersectional diversity. This work is complemented by an ongoing schedule of professional speaking, MCing, teaching, writing, and mentoring.